Translation Office 3000 - Top Accounting Software for Successful Translators.
AnyCount produces automatic word counts, character counts, line counts, and page counts for all common file formats (.DOC, .RTF, .XLS, .PPT, .PPS, .HTM, .CSV, .PDF, .TXT, .ZIP).
Infrastructure technology for automating language and interpretation companies.
MultiTrans, a full-text multilingual corpus-based translation support and language management tool.
PractiCount and Invoice - Word counting software for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, HTML and PDF files.
Projetex is Project Management Software for Expert Teams. It offers numerous functions including workflow management, and data and file sharing among teams.
RapidSolution Software - RapidTranslation localization tool
RC-WinTrans - a professional localization environment for Windows Win32 and .NET Windows Forms software.
Trados offers translation productivity tools for freelance translators as well as corporate customers and language service providers.
WinLexic - Nice GUI to Microsoft® Glossaries for Technical Translators and Technical Translation Agencies.